

PRBS exists to bring transformation among the faithful followers of Christ by reviving puritans’ vision with sound knowledge of reformed education in puritan tradition!


PRBS aspires to see the well trained/ envisioned/ committed disciples of Christ faithfully involving in their ministry context globally with proper expositional reformed preaching and biblical counseling.


Bible Based Teaching

We give primary importance to the Word of God which is the rule of life for anyone who believes in Christ. It is the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience. By strongly affirming this, our teaching comes in authority from the Word of Christ. Thus, we affirm “Sola Scriptura” as Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Local Church Context

We believe strongly that Local Church is God ordained instrument through which godly men and women ought to be trained.  In this sense, part of our training process involves the students actively and very sincerely to participate in local Church activities. A filled in letter of assessment sheet about student’s spiritual growth is to be sent to PRBS periodically from the Church leadership who recommended the student to PRBS. In this way, we ascertain the spiritual maturity and progress of the student within the Local Church atmosphere.  

Spiritual Leadership Training

We are committed to train spiritual leaders for the cause of Christ. As mentioned above, PRBS believes involvement of each student in local Church ministry brings to the state of trained Spiritual leaders in the Lord’s Harvest Field! Our aim is not simply to teach our students from the oracles of God, rather to make them a solid reformed puritan spiritual leaders who may herald the message of Cross with great passion to the souls who are perishing in sins. Indeed, we need committed and trained spiritual leaders in today’s and tomorrow’s ministry. 2 Tim 2:2 reads, “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” (compare other Scripture, what the Spiritual leader should be alike; 1 Tim 3:1-7, 8-13; 1 Pet 5:1-4; Matt 20:20-28).

Emphasis on Reformed Expositional Preaching

We strongly emphasis expositional preaching based on the word of God transforms one’s life in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Our students will be influential instruments to many people by the shining forth the power of the living word of God in this world. Thus, we help our students to handle the word of God as was in the days of reformers/ puritans. Sermons prepared with much care, guidance, and power of the Holy Spirit is to shaken the hearts of hearers with deeper dedication and motivation as Apostle Paul writes in 1 Cori 2:4-5, “my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.”

Biblical Counseling

We do not neglect Biblical Counseling at any point of time. We frequently look into scripture seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit before making any decision on our human part. In this, our mentors gladly welcome anyone who needs spiritual advice according to the Word, and encourages the weak so as to see a spiritual reformation in his / her life (Ro 15:1; Gal 6:1-2).