Message From the President

​Greetings to you in the precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

​I am delighted to warmly welcome you to Puritan Reformed Biblical Seminary (PRBS). I firmly believe that we will be edified together in Reformed education as we move forward in this fellowship in the days ahead. As Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim 2:2). We are blessed to commit the genuine teachings of Scripture to this generation and generations to come.

​PRBS is an online Seminary which serves the body of Christ globally since the year 2014, with the vision of equipping godly men and women for their ministry globally. Currently we do offer under-graduate and post-graduate programs that could be used in various Christian ministry contexts, for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and Glory. Our curriculum has been carefully structured for achieving this commitment as a primary goal, as it is prepared to satisfy your spiritual hunger; enhance your spiritual growth and; equip you for heavenly work God has called.

​Since its inception, the seminary advances on fulfilling its God-given vision unto faithful generation of this age and the ages to come, in a reformed theological perspective, by faithfully equipping godly people across the globe. For us, Bible is the final authority for our faith and practice, as we emphasize Bible is the word of God as “supreme court” to appeal for any issue found in one’s life and ministry.

​It is now my greatest delight to invite you to commit the rest of your life to the study of the word of God with PRBS. Once again, I welcome you to a lifetime of unforgettable moments with PRBS. As you continue to this task, May our great Master enrich you abundantly to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We ask you prayerfully to seek your enrolment in PRBS programs in order to grow sincerely in Christ-likeness! Thank you for your interest in our Ministry!

​Your Servant in Christ,

​Dr. Samuel Bathiran D. D., Th. D.

​Founder-President, Puritan Reformed Biblical Seminary